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76 Replies

 @9FNRLH8Peace and Freedom  from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Nuclear energy is destroying our planet and should be ban and illegal. It will put irreversible damage to our planet.

 @9FNTKK3 from Massachusetts disagreed…8mos8MO

No it does not, in-fact pollution put out from nuclear power is significantly less then fossil fuels. while being wildly more efficient. Nuclear waste isn't as big as a danger as you think it is. Big Oil wants you to think that Nuclear is bad because its a threat to them.

 @9FNTTGGIndependent from California agreed…8mos8MO

The use of nuclear energy is just a way to ruin our world even quicker. This will effect the agriculture, air qaulity, and more.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…8mos8MO

Nuclear energy has no actual emissions, the energy density of it is astronomical and is just perfect to help areas with low renewable energy abilities. Agriculture is not affected by nuclear if the leftover material is actually stored and reused. I'd suggest looking into how nuclear energy is actually stored and transferred, it's thousands of times safer than you think.

 @9G2JJ64  from Connecticut agreed…8mos8MO

There are already nuclear power plants in some parts of the U.S., and France's energy production is 70% based on nuclear energy. If the United States as a world power would replace energy production that releases carbon dioxide, we can prevent global warming from escalating. Carbon dioxide is the main reason why global warming is happening, it traps the heat from the Sun. We all should work together to reduce these emissions to save humanity.

 @9G3XH8PPeace and Freedom from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

using nuclear energy is terrible for the environment, what happened to making a better environment by making everything electric. Nuclear energy is pointless in todays life i feel like


United States, but the world should also stop the use of nuclear energy in order to reduce global warming.

 @9GLJ7D2  from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

Nuclear power is one of the newest forms of energy, it uses a process called nuclear fission, which is typically taking apart uranium or plutonium atoms. Taking these atoms apart creates a great amount of heat and is used to spin a turbine to create electricity. The amount of electricity created by this process is remarkable, and the best part of all is that it’s clean. It is a zero carbon energy source which means it releases zero emissions into our already-damaged atmosphere. There are many more benefits of using nuclear power, but just these couple I’ve briefly mentioned are…  Read more

 @9GNDFKSConstitution from Nebraska disagreed…7mos7MO

Nuclear fission is using up earth's resources and I think we need a cleaner energy source for a better, cleaner environment.

 @9G8BR7G from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

Nuclear power is already in use in some places around world providing a substantial amount of energy with little amount of pollution. The safety of a nuclear power plant is much greater than that of the fossil fuel factories we have today.

 @9GXXHCGPeace and Freedom from Nevada agreed…7mos7MO

Nuclear energy protects air quality by producing massive amounts of carbon-free electricity. It already powers communities in 28 U.S. states and contributes to many non-electric applications, ranging from the medical field to space exploration. Switching to Thorium-based reactors will decrease waste and provide even more energy. Last technology has greatly increased the safety of these reactors, and they have been made so small and easy to operate by trained professionals that every city would be able to get a reactor of its own.

 @9GX7T4X from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

We should nationalize the industry through thorium and more efficient uranium reactors because nuclear reactor aren't like they were in the 1960's They are more efficient and safer than ever, and the nuclear waste problem has been solved years ago we can continue our expansion on nuclear power in america.

 @9GJ4LJZ from Washington agreed…8mos8MO

Wind and solar farms take up much more space than that of nuclear power plants. Plus, these two only function when forms of natural events, such as convection, and the cycle of the sun and moon occur, which varies on the time of the year. Nuclear does not produce any significant emissions over time, especially given the Wind and Solar farms are much more subject to the threats of the environment.

 @9G526YD from California agreed…8mos8MO

By nationalizing the industry it could lead to nuclear energy becoming cheaper and more well regulated.

 @9GZ7GW8 from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

In order to cut out the majority of carbon emissions, nuclear energy needs to become the new norm and replace coal power. This can only happen if nuclear power is available throughout the nation.

 @9FJFRXK from Oregon disagreed…9mos9MO

Nuclear energy is destroying the planet and needs to be illegalized as soon as possible, or else there will be irreversible effects on the planet.


We would need farless nuclear energy plants compared to the others which claim to be clean but destroy so much land and habitats that we are being counterproductive.

 @9GH6JLW from Minnesota agreed…8mos8MO

We need a lot of power and nuclear is a pretty good way to do it without completely leveling the entire American country to build implements for solar and wind technology that is likely to only run 40-60% of the time anyway, only 100 nuclear power plants supply 20% of the power consumption of the entire United States of America, imagine how much we could save with 200 or 500 or 1000.

 @9FWSFVN from California agreed…8mos8MO

It seems to be the safest and cleanest when ran correctly and safely. Would love to hear alternative views about it.

 @9GJGNHPIndependent from Colorado agreed…7mos7MO

Nuclear energy is a clean source of energy, and as the industry goes on the dangerous byproduct will be taken care of. unfortunately there just isn't enough energy in wind and solar, and will cost too much money for it to be considered as a national energy.

 @9GVCYB5 from Kansas agreed…7mos7MO

Make nuclear energy an industry and a new power option for the energy field. Like how different companies own their own wind farms and whatnot.

 @9G6B5ZM from Oklahoma agreed…8mos8MO

I think that nuclear energy especially fusion is a good way to solve our nations problems with clean energy and the environment.

 @9FTGY2Q from Oregon agreed…8mos8MO

Many of the nuclear reactors involved in accidents like Chernobyl were older and more prone to nuclear meltdowns. 40 years of improvement and advances in technology have made them just as safe as renewables and certainly safer than fossil fuels that produce dangerous smog that goes into our air. Above all, it is crucial to understand that nuclear waste is completely safe with proper storage and can even be used again in some scenarios to produce more energy.

 @9GYHD96Independent from Utah agreed…7mos7MO

Nuclear is far more reliable (dispatchable) than renewables like wind and solar. Nuclear plants keep churning out energy even when the wind is not blowing, and the sun is not shining.,the%20sun%20is%20not%20shining.

 @9MSHBCJ from Missouri agreed…2wks2W

Using nuclear energy can reduce the amount of carbon emissions by replacing coal plants and reduces the amount of oil being used in Wind turbines. Also, dams can be replaced and won’t choke up our river systems.

 @9LZRQXCRepublican from Pennsylvania agreed…1mo1MO

Nuclear Energy isn’t as dangerous as shows or uneducated people say they are and once, when a construction project of a nuclear power plant was happening, the foreman noticed that the construction workers weren’t being very specific with the level of concrete on the floor, and were ordered to demolish it and re-build the flooring.

 @9LZMZN7Independent from New York agreed…1mo1MO

If we are to become more efficient as a society discoveries in nuclear power are needed, and that would happen faster if we nationalized it.

 @9LY92KX from South Carolina agreed…1mo1MO

There has hardly been any accidents in nuclear energy that had resulted in a large amount of deaths. The existing accidents happened due to carelessness and lack of care, such as Chernobyl and the Soviet union, as well as the US version of a mini militarized reactor, both of which were not well maintained, nor handled by those who were experts in nuclear sciences. In other cases of nuclear meltdowns, such as with Japan's accident, few died or were even injured, and the meltdown was sufficiently contained. The amount of deaths per year from oil and fossil fuels based energy far exceeds nuclear, and nuclear is far more superior and plausible than wind or thermal energies.

 @9LSJ7FM from Kansas agreed…1mo1MO

Although nuclear is a hard field to enter and expensive, as well as being viewed with heavy scrutiny, it is still potentially the best energy alternative out there. With very little waste, high efficiency, and accessibility, it is a very good option. There is a new field opening that converts coal plants that suit certain requirements into nuclear plants. Things like this paint a bright future for nuclear, and with many of the problems with nuclear are getting solutions. Nuclear gets an undeserved bad rep from opinions on things like radiation. Chernobyl, which had almost a dozen things gone wrong which normally could have been averted easily if its higher ups did anything to prevent it. Chernobyl and similar situations give nuclear an even worse reputation.

 @9LSD8TX from Alaska agreed…1mo1MO

There are places where it's not windy, not often sunny, and the rivers freeze for half the year. Nuclear energy is not reliant on the weather.

 @9LS3QNN from Indiana agreed…1mo1MO

Nuclear energy has a "92.5%" energy factor according to EnergyBot, but wind averages "35%" according to

 @9LRLLJYConstitution from Texas agreed…2mos2MO

Nuclear energy should be embraced. Much research has been done and shows that when taking necessary precautions there is no risk.

 @9LLNTH4Socialist from Pennsylvania agreed…2mos2MO

"Nuclear is a zero-emission clean energy source. It generates power through fission, which is the process of splitting uranium atoms to produce energy. The heat released by fission is used to create steam that spins a turbine to generate electricity without the harmful byproducts emitted by fossil fuels." Its heat, steam energy not nuclear as in bombs or green goop you see on the Simpson's

 @48T6V4V agreed…6 days6D

Nuclear has one key advantage over other forms of power, and that it its energy density. The energy density of nuclear fuel is higher than any other power source - for this reason, nuclear power is the safest form of energy generation per kilowatt hour. Nonetheless, there are problems that come with nuclear power that for-profit entities have the wrong incentives to solve. Government-owned organisations, like the US Navy, have shown time and again that they are prepared to dfeliver fast, efficient, safe nuclear power.

 @9LXX3PVDemocrat from Illinois agreed…1mo1MO

Illinois has the most nuclear plants in the nation and it provides thousands of jobs just in just one site. if we had it nationwide we would have more job opportunities and cleaner more efficient energy.

 @9KM2BLP from Montana agreed…3mos3MO

Private companies and corporations can’t be trusted to be in charge of nuclear energy, as they’ll make it about profits. Nuclear energy is a good and clean source when well maintained


Nuclear energy is currently the most efficient form of power generation we have. Coal produces 24MJ/Kg of energy, whereas uranium produces 3,900,000 MJ/Kg of energy. Uranium produces zero CO2 emissions - only water vapour - and actually releases less radiation than coal. Such a valuable energy source must be pursued. However, it should be under the control of the State, as the reasons for nuclear energy being so safe are to do with the regulations involved in its use.

 @9MFSSZW  from California agreed…4wks4W

With a few more years to allow nuclear physicists to progress the technology surrounding fusion energy production, we can nationalize the cleanest form of energy known to us.

 @9FDYGVQIndependent from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

Energy and energy production is important to national security because if we rely on other countries for energy, it is a liability and that country might not like us forever (if they liked us in the first place). Therefore, having nuclear energy nationalized will make energy cheaper, improve national security, and make the U.S. a more independent nation.

 @9H2RGVD from California agreed…7mos7MO

While the capital cost of thorium is the largest argument against its implementation, all forms of renewable energy will have a large capital cost. Furthermore, the United States has an abundant access to thorium, and can use this to reduce our carbon emissions.


Government takes oversight seriously, they make sure nothing possibly goes wrong because there are so many steps for everything and redundant policies put in place until they are necessary. If the government controls nuclear, nuclear just becomes a little safer than it already is.

 @9GW9PKDSocialist from Iowa agreed…7mos7MO

We're going kill ourselves (ecocide) with carbon emissions if nothing changes. Ted Kaczynski was right.

 @9GVD6TB from California agreed…7mos7MO

Free energy and power! Some machines last for a decade without even working on them. It's really free energy with risk, but America was built on risk with the Declaration of Independence so why can't we all take that risk once more.


Although Nuclear power plants have high upfront cost we can reduce this by replacing other energy source with nuclear in hope to reduce the cost

 @9G7MBRY from Utah agreed…8mos8MO

We need electricity to live which means free market ideals are null with respect to the energy industry. Profit is determined by cost cutting, gouging, and exploitation rather than by effectiveness in this situation, and thus, the free market will drive private energy businesses towards unsafe and predatory practices.

 @9G4XKK9 from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

Nuclear energy produces at least 8,000 times the amount of energy than average fossil fuels, Nuclear energy is easily reliable and a better solution compared to other alternatives. And Nuclear energy does not produce carbon dioxide emissions while the past 50 years, nuclear energy has brought down CO2 emissions down by 60 gigatons.

 @9FXKNVD from California agreed…8mos8MO

Yes it is as of right now the best choice for energy but it is a limited supply so we need to invest in clean energy while we rely fully on nuclear energy for power.

 @9FM6WRHLibertarian from Indiana disagreed…9mos9MO

the argument against nationalizing the nuclear energy industry highlights potential issues related to bureaucracy, financial burden, innovation, political influence, international collaboration, safety, accountability, and economic viability. Proponents of this counterargument often emphasize the importance of careful consideration and a balanced approach to nuclear energy policy, which may involve a combination of government regulation and private-sector involvement to address the complex challenges and opportunities of the nuclear sector.

 @9NMGHKG from Minnesota agreed…2 days2D

Nationalization would prevent the modern problems we see with the fossil fuel industry which is that we cannot progress to different forms of energy due to corporate lobbying.


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